Waiting for your aVoV VIXO1 to Arrive? Check Out Our Video

Android TV Box

We finally started shipping our first batch of aVoV VIXO1 models to all of our early adopters yesterday. While, for most, it may take a day or two for your system to arrive, some of you already have your hands on your new system.

If you’ve received your Android TV Box already, we’d love to hear what you think of the system. We’d love to find out what apps you’re enjoying the most and also what other apps you would like to see hit the MickyMarket over the next few weeks.

Talking about the MickyMarket, we’re also really pleased to announce that we are teaming up with MickyHop and extending the platform for developers to start creating their own apps for inclusion on the aVoV app store. We are currently working with the team at MickyHop to create a specific SDK and toolkit for all you would be devs to download and use. We should have more information tomorrow, so stay tuned for an update there.

Now, for all of you still waiting for your aVoV VIXO1 to arrive, or for all of you yet to order and want to see what all the hype is about, here’s a short video we created to show you what you can expect.

Visit here: http://www.avov.tv/